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  • ScaffGap is made from 100% recycled PVC-U

  • ScaffGap can be used over and over again.

  • ScaffGap is 100% recyclable.

  • PVC-U can be recycled again and again - and again! PVC-U used to make ScaffGap can be recycled and used to make a wide range of PVC-U products (including more ScaffGap!) which in turn can be recycled again to make more products.

  • Current research shows that PVC-U is expected to have a life cycle of approximately 30-40 years.

  • The manufacture of PVC-U does not require the use of plasticizers.

  • The mechanical properties of recycled PVC are as good as and often better than virgin material.

  • The amount of PVC-U that gets recycled is increasing and the UK now has 100 collectors and 29 recyclers of post consumer PVC-U.

  • A typical European PVC production plant would have to operate for 30,000 years to produce the same amount of dioxins released into the atmosphere during bonfire night!




PVC-U is one of the most successful modern synthetic materials. It makes excellent use of scarce resources, is long-lasting and safe in production, use and disposal.

The effect of PVC-U on health and the environment, from manufacture to disposal, has been more thoroughly researched than almost any other synthetic material. PVC-U is a cost-effective, sustainable choice and comparable with other materials such as steel, copper, aluminium and wood. Sustainability is about many things, not least durability — materials that will last. A recent study of social housing in Wales found that low-quality, cheap products, typically used for downpipes, had a realistic life of ten to 12 years. Better quality products might cost 50% to 100% more, but could last three times as long.

PVC-U uses about 50% of the oil, as a raw material, per tonne that other plastics use and it can be recycled ten to 12 times without loss of quality. The Scaffold Platform Gap Bridging System.




  • No harm to the environment from dioxin emissions.

  • 100% recyclable products mean prolonged on-going usage.

  • Environmental benefit from PVC-U remaining inert in landfill.

  • Excellent fire performance from PVC-U with significantly less fire propagation than many other materials.

  • Low intrinsic (43%) oil content – only 4% of the world’s oil is used for plastics

  • Easy to manage and install, PVC-U is a lightweight and durable material.

  • No painting or repainting is needed, ensuring a reduced use of chemicals.

  • No requirement for chemical treatments as PVC-U is tough and resistant to weather and corrosion.

  • PVC-U has a long life cycle and less energy is required to produce it compared with other materials such as wood.

  • A cost-effective and sustainable choice by comparison with steel, copper and aluminium.


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ScaffGap Limited is a registered company in England

Registration Number: 6962375

VAT Register Number: GB 972 9575 62

Scaffolding Assocation
NASC Membership ScaffGap_edited.jpg

John Houlihan ( Director ) 07930 606665

Steve Barlow ( Director ) 07825 332334


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